Arranged Matches (1915/16 to 1920/21, 1927/28)

Click on the links below to view the FTGCC Online Scorebooks for the 1915/16 to 1920/21 and 1927/28 seasons.

During and immediately after WW I, the Club played a handful of ‘arranged’ matches.

Arranged matches were played again in 1927/28 when the majority of Club members turned out for the Ferntree Gully chapter of the United Ancient Order of Druids (U.A.O.D.). This occurred when a dispute with the RDCA went unresolved at the end of the 1926/27 season and the members vowed not to re-affiliate with the Competition in 1927/28.

Scorebook 1915/16 to 1920/21

Scorebook 1927/28

Today in Club history…
1892 Day 2 of the Malvern XXII vs All England XI, occurs with W.G. Grace dismissed for a 'Duck' & Oliver Williams (4/31) named as the best local bowler
1956 D. (Doug) Forbes scored 45* (from 99) & batted through the entire Innings for the 2nd XI vs. Tecoma